Tuesday 20 April 2010

Jersey politician fails to return

Mr Syvret failed to appear in court, claiming he would not get a fair trial. A politician has been absent from Jersey for six months, which under States' law automatically removes him from membership of the States Assembly.

Stuart Syvret, who was a senator and longest serving member of the house, has been in self-imposed exile in the UK since October.

The Privileges and Procedures Committee ruled if he was not back by 19 April he would be removed from office.

The government has not made an official announcement about his position.

An arrest warrant was issued last year for Mr Syvret after he failed to appear at an abuse of process hearing into his arrest for data protection and motoring offences.

The 44-year-old former health minister said he left Jersey because he feared he would not get a fair trial, and has been staying in the UK.

His name was not read out during the customary roll call at the beginning of the states session this morning.

The chairman of the committee which regulates members' behaviour is expected to make a statement on a possible by-election for his position later.

Jersey politician fails to return