Friday 30 April 2010

Why Bill Maloney was thrown out of Question Time by David Dimbleby

Award winning documentary filmmaker Bill Maloney’s account and explanation for his ejection from BBC Question Time by David Dimbleby following the first ‘Leaders Debate’ 15 April 2010

By Bill Maloney

I applied to attend the audience for Question Time as a documentary filmmaker who has been investigating institutional child abuse for the last ten years. i.e. children in care, young offenders institutions, secret family courts etc. I wanted to exercise my right to speak as a British citizen and as a victim of institutional child abuse and believe it is my democratic right to freedom of speech.

There is currently a grave mistrust of our politicians. During this election campaign I have not witnessed any lower class citizens whom I represent have their right to speak up about their social concerns. This election is not just about economics, which our politicians are willing to talk about in intricate detail whilst skipping over questions on the lower class’s social dilemmas and the prejudice that is coming from the government and many middle-class voters against the lower classes.

Dimbleby Rocked By Questions Of Paedophilia And Murder

Just moments before Question Time went live David Dimbleby introduced the panel asking each of them what they would be doing the next day. Michael Gove (Shadow Secretary of State for Children Schools and Families) said it was his wife’s birthday and Dimbleby asked if he had bought her a present to which he replied, “I actually bought her four presents”. Asked what the presents were Gove replied “A linen suit, a designer hand bag and two other presents that I’m not prepared to divulge”.

I shouted “Did we pay for them Mr Gove?” which raised a laugh from the panel and audience. Dimbleby concluded with Nigel Farage MEP of UKIP who made a sanctimonious remark to which I shouted, “I don’t know why you’re so flippant, you’re guilty of stealing expenses the same as all the rest”. Dimbleby shook his finger and shouted directly at me: “If you are going to behave like this when we go on air I will have to tell you to leave.”

I responded by shouting: “If you want me to leave David tell me to leave. Don’t talk to me like I’m a piece of shit! You’ve got an angry electorate here and you select only five questions from 150? This is a biased audience which does not represent the lower classes.

“I'm a documentary filmmaker and I investigate Institutional child abuse; the restraining techniques that are killing lower working class kids in Young Offenders Institutions; and paedophile rings in government that are fucking our kids! You don’t like talking about the children do you David?”

Security was then called. As I was led out I turned to the panel shouting, “I’m here about the children, not about the economy. I've got more bollocks than all of you! Shame on you!" My producer and wife, who accompanied me continued by shouting: "Everyone in this audience should google Hollie Greig G.R.E.I.G and realise that the government does nothing!"

The security guards didn't touch me; in fact they looked quite shocked by the questions I had asked. We were then led out by the Producer

We submitted two questions to the show which were not selected:

1. Considering the government has given £840 billion to bail out the banks, how much have they spent on getting 3.5 million children out of poverty? Give the £3.4 billion promised to get children out of poverty which ‘breeds’ crime.
2. Considering it cost Australian taxpayers 200 million Australian dollars for the Popes visit there in 2008, how much is the government spending on the Pope’s visit to the UK? And should we allow the Pope, whose Vatican City has the lowest age of sexual consent in Europe of only 12 into the country at all?

I was hoping to hear from the political representatives on the panel of their disgust at having three children a week dying in our care institutions. I wanted to debate the brutal restraining techniques that guards and carers are using against children as young as eight. i.e. nose distraction, wrist restraints, double-seated embrace etc. There are serious injuries i.e. broken bones, suffocation etc every day. I also wanted to talk to them about institutional paedophile rings that have been and are still operating in this country. For example: google ‘Hollie Greig’.

Child prisons for profit

I would have been interested in the panel’s opinions on child poverty in this country along with the privatisation of our childcare homes and institutions, baring in mind 99% of children in care come from the lower classes. In my latest documentary Adam Rickwood & The Medomsley Heroes, I highlight the case of young Adam Rickwood who five years ago at the age of 14 was found hanging in his cell after being restrained by four guards at the young offenders institution now known as Hassockfield (formerly Medomsley) – google ‘Neville Husband’. Hassockfield is run by private company Serco, who receive £178,000 per year for each child. There are 57 places for children at Hassockfield, there are other institutions that hold up to 800 offenders. The lower class children have become very profitable to companies such as Serco. Many of the child prison guards and carers come from the military, police force etc. Many of these have severe psychological drug and alcohol problems and some of the highest divorce rates. Our childcare system has become more brutal than our adult prisons.

Vulnerable children used to pay mortages

Children from babies are being taken from poverty stricken families at birth and given to middle-class couples that receive a minimum of £380 per week per child and much more if the child is an infant or has special needs. Many foster parents foster more than one child – it appears that vulnerable parents are having their children stolen by the social services and being used to pay mortgages. The private companies who foster out our children do not have to inform their local council where the children have gone if they run away or leave care. Then we could go into institutional fostering – this is a broad intricate subject, which is never allowed to be debated passionately and openly with the involvement of past victims, their families and perpetrators by the national broadcasting companies. There is a massive movement building around the globe via the Internet on these subjects. Many former victims have now become professionals, i.e. documentary filmmakers, so the children have now become strong men and women motivated by their empathy for the unfortunate that are living it now. The victims are producing their own heroes – I use the term ‘Government Funded Child Abuse’.

As far as being removed from the Question Time audience my feelings are this:

The Questions and the debate that I managed to get from David Dimbleby in the Green Room before the show and during rehearsals would not have been allowed on air. I believe if I had attempted to debate the above issue on air the BBCs security response would have shut me down. I didn’t want to be buried under a mountain of guards while trying to get my point across. So I took the decision to challenge Dimbleby and the panel during the rehearsal. There were approx 150 people in the audience.

During the rehearsal my producer and myself submitted our questions, which we were told to write down on cards. These cards were then collected from the audience. Ultimately, our questions were not selected, bearing in mind, in the green room before rehearsals David Dimbleby said the question I had asked him was a good question. That question which I had to shout from the back of the green room went as follows:

MALONEY: David! Are you telling us that out of all these people here you are only going to allow five questions to be asked in one hour – all of which are being handpicked by the BBC?

DIMBLEBY: Have you seen Question Time before?

MALONEY: Oh yes! I’ve seen Question Time before David, but as you just said in your introduction, this is an historic moment. Question Time is going out after the first ever live debate of the three main candidates who want to run our democracy. Why can’t we have an open debate? For example I would like to know when Gordon Brown is going to give the £3.4 billion that they promised to the children to get 3 million children above the poverty line, as we all know that poverty breeds crime, dysfunctional families etc bearing in mind Gordon Brown has just given £840 billion to the greedy bankers.

DIMBLEBY: Well that’s a very good question so write it down and we’ll see what we can do.

When Dimbleby left the green room I stepped forward and shook his hand I said to him “Thank you David, I’m not hear to sit and watch, I can do that at home – I just want to ask a question and open a debate.”

Dimbleby said “Good!” and walked out.

By the time we had gone through rehearsals I realised that my question had not been selected, nor that of my producer as referred to above: “Considering it cost Australian taxpayers 200 million dollars for the Popes visit there in 2008, how much is the government spending on the Pope’s visit to the UK? And should we allow the Pope, whose Vatican City has the lowest age of sexual consent in Europe of only 12 into the country at all?”

I therefore took the decision to question the panel before the show went on air. It was a very difficult decision to make on the spot and I understood the likelihood of missing out putting myself across live on air. This way I had clear straight dialogue with the panel and audience.

Being asked to leave for asking these questions did not surprise me as I had previously been asked to leave BBC Asian Network Radio a year ago for asking similar questions about child trafficking and child prostitution.

I would just like to emphasise it was David Dimbleby who gave the order for me to be ejected.

I knew I would be ejected but at least we have evidence of the lack of any intervention by any of the panel during the programme about the plight of our abused and lost children.

The case of Hollie Greig is a strong example of the cover-ups that are going on within government. The MPs expenses scandal is just the tip of the iceburg. On behalf of all abuse victims , all I wanted were our questions raised and debated as no politicians are willing to discuss these issues.

I am absolutely disgusted with the BBC, David Dimbleby and the rest of the panel. The children deserve a voice. God bless all victims.

Why Bill Maloney was thrown out of Question Time by David Dimbleby

Why Bill Maloney was thrown out of Question Time by David Dimbleby

Award winning documentary filmmaker Bill Maloney’s account and explanation for his ejection from BBC Question Time by David Dimbleby following the first ‘Leaders Debate’ 15 April 2010

By Bill Maloney

I applied to attend the audience for Question Time as a documentary filmmaker who has been investigating institutional child abuse for the last ten years. i.e. children in care, young offenders institutions, secret family courts etc. I wanted to exercise my right to speak as a British citizen and as a victim of institutional child abuse and believe it is my democratic right to freedom of speech.

There is currently a grave mistrust of our politicians. During this election campaign I have not witnessed any lower class citizens whom I represent have their right to speak up about their social concerns. This election is not just about economics, which our politicians are willing to talk about in intricate detail whilst skipping over questions on the lower class’s social dilemmas and the prejudice that is coming from the government and many middle-class voters against the lower classes.

Dimbleby Rocked By Questions Of Paedophilia And Murder

Just moments before Question Time went live David Dimbleby introduced the panel asking each of them what they would be doing the next day. Michael Gove (Shadow Secretary of State for Children Schools and Families) said it was his wife’s birthday and Dimbleby asked if he had bought her a present to which he replied, “I actually bought her four presents”. Asked what the presents were Gove replied “A linen suit, a designer hand bag and two other presents that I’m not prepared to divulge”.

I shouted “Did we pay for them Mr Gove?” which raised a laugh from the panel and audience. Dimbleby concluded with Nigel Farage MEP of UKIP who made a sanctimonious remark to which I shouted, “I don’t know why you’re so flippant, you’re guilty of stealing expenses the same as all the rest”. Dimbleby shook his finger and shouted directly at me: “If you are going to behave like this when we go on air I will have to tell you to leave.”

I responded by shouting: “If you want me to leave David tell me to leave. Don’t talk to me like I’m a piece of shit! You’ve got an angry electorate here and you select only five questions from 150? This is a biased audience which does not represent the lower classes.

“I'm a documentary filmmaker and I investigate Institutional child abuse; the restraining techniques that are killing lower working class kids in Young Offenders Institutions; and paedophile rings in government that are fucking our kids! You don’t like talking about the children do you David?”

Security was then called. As I was led out I turned to the panel shouting, “I’m here about the children, not about the economy. I've got more bollocks than all of you! Shame on you!" My producer and wife, who accompanied me continued by shouting: "Everyone in this audience should google Hollie Greig G.R.E.I.G and realise that the government does nothing!"

The security guards didn't touch me; in fact they looked quite shocked by the questions I had asked. We were then led out by the Producer

We submitted two questions to the show which were not selected:

1. Considering the government has given £840 billion to bail out the banks, how much have they spent on getting 3.5 million children out of poverty? Give the £3.4 billion promised to get children out of poverty which ‘breeds’ crime.
2. Considering it cost Australian taxpayers 200 million Australian dollars for the Popes visit there in 2008, how much is the government spending on the Pope’s visit to the UK? And should we allow the Pope, whose Vatican City has the lowest age of sexual consent in Europe of only 12 into the country at all?

I was hoping to hear from the political representatives on the panel of their disgust at having three children a week dying in our care institutions. I wanted to debate the brutal restraining techniques that guards and carers are using against children as young as eight. i.e. nose distraction, wrist restraints, double-seated embrace etc. There are serious injuries i.e. broken bones, suffocation etc every day. I also wanted to talk to them about institutional paedophile rings that have been and are still operating in this country. For example: google ‘Hollie Greig’.

Child prisons for profit

I would have been interested in the panel’s opinions on child poverty in this country along with the privatisation of our childcare homes and institutions, baring in mind 99% of children in care come from the lower classes. In my latest documentary Adam Rickwood & The Medomsley Heroes, I highlight the case of young Adam Rickwood who five years ago at the age of 14 was found hanging in his cell after being restrained by four guards at the young offenders institution now known as Hassockfield (formerly Medomsley) – google ‘Neville Husband’. Hassockfield is run by private company Serco, who receive £178,000 per year for each child. There are 57 places for children at Hassockfield, there are other institutions that hold up to 800 offenders. The lower class children have become very profitable to companies such as Serco. Many of the child prison guards and carers come from the military, police force etc. Many of these have severe psychological drug and alcohol problems and some of the highest divorce rates. Our childcare system has become more brutal than our adult prisons.

Vulnerable children used to pay mortages

Children from babies are being taken from poverty stricken families at birth and given to middle-class couples that receive a minimum of £380 per week per child and much more if the child is an infant or has special needs. Many foster parents foster more than one child – it appears that vulnerable parents are having their children stolen by the social services and being used to pay mortgages. The private companies who foster out our children do not have to inform their local council where the children have gone if they run away or leave care. Then we could go into institutional fostering – this is a broad intricate subject, which is never allowed to be debated passionately and openly with the involvement of past victims, their families and perpetrators by the national broadcasting companies. There is a massive movement building around the globe via the Internet on these subjects. Many former victims have now become professionals, i.e. documentary filmmakers, so the children have now become strong men and women motivated by their empathy for the unfortunate that are living it now. The victims are producing their own heroes – I use the term ‘Government Funded Child Abuse’.

As far as being removed from the Question Time audience my feelings are this:

The Questions and the debate that I managed to get from David Dimbleby in the Green Room before the show and during rehearsals would not have been allowed on air. I believe if I had attempted to debate the above issue on air the BBCs security response would have shut me down. I didn’t want to be buried under a mountain of guards while trying to get my point across. So I took the decision to challenge Dimbleby and the panel during the rehearsal. There were approx 150 people in the audience.

During the rehearsal my producer and myself submitted our questions, which we were told to write down on cards. These cards were then collected from the audience. Ultimately, our questions were not selected, bearing in mind, in the green room before rehearsals David Dimbleby said the question I had asked him was a good question. That question which I had to shout from the back of the green room went as follows:

MALONEY: David! Are you telling us that out of all these people here you are only going to allow five questions to be asked in one hour – all of which are being handpicked by the BBC?

DIMBLEBY: Have you seen Question Time before?

MALONEY: Oh yes! I’ve seen Question Time before David, but as you just said in your introduction, this is an historic moment. Question Time is going out after the first ever live debate of the three main candidates who want to run our democracy. Why can’t we have an open debate? For example I would like to know when Gordon Brown is going to give the £3.4 billion that they promised to the children to get 3 million children above the poverty line, as we all know that poverty breeds crime, dysfunctional families etc bearing in mind Gordon Brown has just given £840 billion to the greedy bankers.

DIMBLEBY: Well that’s a very good question so write it down and we’ll see what we can do.

When Dimbleby left the green room I stepped forward and shook his hand I said to him “Thank you David, I’m not hear to sit and watch, I can do that at home – I just want to ask a question and open a debate.”

Dimbleby said “Good!” and walked out.

By the time we had gone through rehearsals I realised that my question had not been selected, nor that of my producer as referred to above: “Considering it cost Australian taxpayers 200 million dollars for the Popes visit there in 2008, how much is the government spending on the Pope’s visit to the UK? And should we allow the Pope, whose Vatican City has the lowest age of sexual consent in Europe of only 12 into the country at all?”

I therefore took the decision to question the panel before the show went on air. It was a very difficult decision to make on the spot and I understood the likelihood of missing out putting myself across live on air. This way I had clear straight dialogue with the panel and audience.

Being asked to leave for asking these questions did not surprise me as I had previously been asked to leave BBC Asian Network Radio a year ago for asking similar questions about child trafficking and child prostitution.

I would just like to emphasise it was David Dimbleby who gave the order for me to be ejected.

I knew I would be ejected but at least we have evidence of the lack of any intervention by any of the panel during the programme about the plight of our abused and lost children.

The case of Hollie Greig is a strong example of the cover-ups that are going on within government. The MPs expenses scandal is just the tip of the iceburg. On behalf of all abuse victims , all I wanted were our questions raised and debated as no politicians are willing to discuss these issues.

I am absolutely disgusted with the BBC, David Dimbleby and the rest of the panel. The children deserve a voice. God bless all victims.

Why Bill Maloney was thrown out of Question Time by David Dimbleby

Deadline for by-election hopefuls

A deadline has been set for Jersey residents wishing to stand in a senatorial by-election.

The Comité des Connétables, the electoral body, has announced an official nomination meeting will be held at the town hall on 25 May.

Candidates must fill in a nomination form signed by 10 people by this date, a Comité spokesman said.

The election for one of 12 Senators - members of the island's States Assembly - will be held on 16 June.

The post, normally held for a six-year term, has become vacant due to the absenteeism of the previous incumbent, Stuart Syvret.

Deadline for by-election hopefuls

Deadline for by-election hopefuls

A deadline has been set for Jersey residents wishing to stand in a senatorial by-election.

The Comité des Connétables, the electoral body, has announced an official nomination meeting will be held at the town hall on 25 May.

Candidates must fill in a nomination form signed by 10 people by this date, a Comité spokesman said.

The election for one of 12 Senators - members of the island's States Assembly - will be held on 16 June.

The post, normally held for a six-year term, has become vacant due to the absenteeism of the previous incumbent, Stuart Syvret.

Deadline for by-election hopefuls

Wednesday 28 April 2010

AG to rule on Syvret restanding

Former Senator Stuart Syvret may be legally entitled to re-stand for government.

Jersey's Attorney General has yet to rule whether Mr Syvret can claim he is 'Ordinarily Resident' while living in the UK.

The AG's currently examining Jersey's Election Law, to determine whether the former Senator can stand for government, despite being out of the island for six months.

AG to rule on Syvret restanding

AG to rule on Syvret restanding

Former Senator Stuart Syvret may be legally entitled to re-stand for government.

Jersey's Attorney General has yet to rule whether Mr Syvret can claim he is 'Ordinarily Resident' while living in the UK.

The AG's currently examining Jersey's Election Law, to determine whether the former Senator can stand for government, despite being out of the island for six months.

AG to rule on Syvret restanding

AG to rule on Syvret restanding

Former Senator Stuart Syvret may be legally entitled to re-stand for government.

Jersey's Attorney General has yet to rule whether Mr Syvret can claim he is 'Ordinarily Resident' while living in the UK.

The AG's currently examining Jersey's Election Law, to determine whether the former Senator can stand for government, despite being out of the island for six months.

AG to rule on Syvret restanding

Sunday 25 April 2010

Posting pictures on the net
Free Stuart Syvret
Download poster Here

Posting pictures on the net
Free Stuart Syvret
Download poster Here

Posting pictures on the net
Free Stuart Syvret
Download poster Here

Friday 23 April 2010

Is the bubble about to burst on the Hollie Greig Story?

Hollie Greig Pt 1/2

Hollie Greig Pt 2/2

Sunday, 11 April 2010 10:58 Added by PT Editor maysaa jarour
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Robert_Bruce2UK, April 11, 2010 (Pal Telegraph, by Peter Eyre) - As everyone knows there has been nothing in the mainline media regarding Hollie Greig but we at the Palestine Telegraph always look for any opportunity to bring her name back on the front page. Since my last article on Hollie, the movement (Hollie’s Army) has been progressively growing stronger and exceeded 25,000 this week.

Their campaigns continues to hit out at the heart of the Scottish Government and the Judicial System and a short time ago they had a huge billboard travelling around the region demanding justice for Hollie. They have a couple of wonderful protests planned which is getting close to the nerve of the Government and also close to the person at the centre of this terrible story…..Sheriff Buchanan himself!

On May the 1st they will all meet in Edinburgh followed by the icing on the cake when they meet at the devil den in Aberdeen close to the notorious Sheriffs office.

We at the Palestine Telegraph are so pleased to be part of this fight for justice and will continue to support Hollie and her mum Anne. It is clear that Hollie is not the only victim to this paedophile ring and therefore it is essential that Hollie’s Army keep up this battle until the camels back is broken!

It is spring in the UK and it is also the run up to the election……such a good time to go on the attack….so much energy and life abounds and Hollie’s Army feel that the bubble is about the burst. Both the Scottish Government and the UK Government have to realise that this goes as far as you want it to go and it reaches up to high places in government… is therefore in their best interest to nip this in the bud and get a few heads to roll before it reaches higher levels. Hollie’s Army know most of the offenders and some of those in the extended paedophile ring in higher places….logic must win here otherwise governments or leaders could well fall victim to this advancing army……..remember in battle…..when you attack on many fronts you have the upper hand……divide and conquer are the tactics that the army is using and both governments should heed these warning!!.......Hollie’s Army will not give up….as you know those members north of the border have the spirit of Robert the Bruce instilled in their hearts……you cannot defeat such a spirit.

To the leader of the Scottish Government….Alex Salmond and to the leader of the UK Government…Gordon Brown… I say to you “Surrender or be defeated.” “The dust on the horizon is the approaching Hollie’s Army”

The Scots Against Injustice recently printed some very apt words that sums everything up – “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

“Do not be afraid of them therefore. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops.”

I would like to add some words from Gandhi:

“There are times when you have to obey a call which is the highest of all, i.e. the voice of conscience, even though such obedience may cost many a bitter tear, and even more, separation from friends, from family, from the state to which you may belong, from all that you have held as dear as life itself. For this obedience is the law of our being.”

To remind readers of the story and to promote communications the follow was written by Scots Against Injustice:

Hollie Demands Justice

… and no more paedophilia in Aberdeen, Scotland,

the UK and worldwide.

Google Hollie Greig
Hollie_and_Mum_AnneHollie and Anne Greig are still fighting to get justice for Hollie’s many years of systematic sexual abuse and violation at the hands of an alleged Aberdeen / Scottish paedophile rape gang, who have yet to be questioned and brought to justice by Grampian Police and the Scottish authorities. Hollie and Anne have been fighting to get justice for 10 long years (since May 2000) and had to flee their home city of Aberdeen in Scotland, to Shropshire in England, as a result of their horrific ordeal and the appalling indifference of the Aberdeen and Scottish authorities, which still continues to this day.

The Scottish Crown Office in Edinburgh (headed by the long-standing Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini), the Scottish First Minister (Alex Salmond MP / MSP), the Scottish “Justice” Secretary (Kenny MacAskill), the Scottish “Government”, the Scottish Secretary of State (Jim Murphy MP), every Aberdeen and Scottish politician, several Westminster / UK politicians (including Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg) and many other prominent individuals and statutory agencies continue to take no action over Hollie’s sickening case, say nothing publicly about it, remain completely silent and do nothing to obtain justice for Hollie and her mother, Anne.

Please help them both get the justice they truly deserve and now rightly demand – for themselves and the other known child abuse victims in this horrific case.

For more information please go to: (re the planned major gathering for Hollie, which is to take place on Union Street in Aberdeen on Saturday 5 June 2010);; “We won’t allow the state to cover up the Hollie Greig paedophile scandal” (the main Facebook Group); and Google Hollie Greig.

Hollie and Anne Greig have asked that we thank their many supporters and to say that their fight to expose the truth (whole truth and nothing but the truth) and obtain justice continues unabated.

A very special thanks goes out to Robert Green (Hollie and Anne Greig’s main spokesman and chief investigator in this case), Stuart Usher (who has kindly allowed his monthly demos in Edinburgh to mainly focus on Hollie’s case over recent months) and their other close friends as well – you all know who you are!

Any further queries to:

Stuart Usher

“Scotland Against Crooked Lawyers”



Tom George

“Scots Against Injustice”



The next peaceful gathering in Edinburgh for Hollie and Anne Greig will take place once again at Parliament Square, beside St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile, from noon to 3pm on Saturday 1 May 2010 – just a few days prior to the General Election on Thursday 6 May … so please make your views and voices heard!

Leaflet produced for the peaceful gathering for Hollie and Anne Greig in Edinburgh on Thursday 1 April 2010, from noon to 3pm – at Parliament Square, beside St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile (with Scotland’s Court of Session and High Court, the highest courts in the land, as the backdrop to this gathering).

Scots Against Injustice Edinburgh 07791-226-490

An attempt was made by this group to contact the BBC regarding comments made on BBC Radio 5 Live by a Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle which reads as follows:

Brief report on my phoning BBC Radio Five Live re Hollie, Friday 9 April 2010 ...

Last night BBC Radio Five Live were discussing the controversy of Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle's very insensitive remarks about those who suffer from Down's syndrome. Sharon Smith, the mother of a five-year-old child with Down's syndrome, went to his show and was hurt and offended by his comments ...

Frankie Boyle criticised for Down's syndrome joke ...

The phone-in last night on BBC Radio Five Live (10pm - 1am) focused once again on this issue and asked people to phone in with their comments. I called the show about 10.15pm and was immediately asked my name and where I was from, to which I replied "Tom George from Edinburgh". The backroom gentleman then asked what I would like to talk about and I said the furor over Frankie Boyle's comments and the BBC's extensive coverage of the story throughout the course of the day - apparently the story was the most read on their website. I was very careful not to mention Hollie Greig at that stage as I was going to mention her name On Air - and of course request the audience "Google Hollie Greig" as well! I did say that I was wanting to highlight how there are also other Down's syndrome sufferers out there who have been abused and failed by the authorities, but who were not getting the same mainstream media coverage.

The gentleman I spoke to said he would pass the details of my preliminary call on to his producers for approval and then call me back to have me live on the programme….. I am still waiting for their call ...

The remainder of this article will conclude with the following open letter that was sent by Scots Against Injustice to a multitude of politicians in Scotland and Westminster as follows:

An open letter to ...

Kenny MacAskill MSP

Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Justice

The Scottish Parliament


EH99 1S

Kenny MacAskill MSP
Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Justice

Constituency Office

16a Willowbrae Road


By email to: and (PA)

Alex Salmond MSP / MP

First Minister of Scotland

The Scottish Parliament


EH99 1SP

Office of the First Minister
St. Andrew's House
Regent Road

By email to: and (PA)

This is a copy of the letter as sent to all of the above today the 11th April 2010.

The list of those receiving this is too extensive to print but basically it has been sent to every politician in Scotland and key figures in Westminster

One can clearly see that this is not going to go away no matter what the resistance

Sunday 11 April 2010

Dear Kenny and Alex

The appalling case of Hollie Greig - and the Scottish political and judicial establishment's failure to properly address it over the past decade ...

We refer to the above case, which we first contacted you about many months ago last year and several times subsequently. Neither of you have personally responded to our many letters and we have been largely fobbed off by your PA's and other staff over the period of our correspondence in this regard. The same applies to the many others we contacted over the same period and all our correspondence is saved should you wish sight of that at any time - though you were copied in on much of our correspondence as well. That correspondence is also on the hard drive of Robert Green (lay legal representative to Hollie and Anne Greig), which was illegally confiscated from his Warrington home in Cheshire by Grampian Police when they went on a malicious fishing expedition and stole his property. That stolen property remains in the possession of Grampian Police some two months on, since Robert's unlawful arrest on the morning of Friday 12 February 2010 in Aberdeen - the Grampian Police illegally forced their way into his Warrington home on the afternoon of Saturday 13 February. We are sure Grampian Police Chief Constable, Colin McKerracher, will have been keeping you, Ms Elish Angiolini and Sheriff Graeme Buchanan up to speed on events - though McKerracher has repeatedly failed to communicate with us on these very serious and unresolved matters.

We understand that Sheriff Graeme Buchanan may have been put on gardening leave and that is certainly what we requested should happen after it was confirmed publicly in the Aberdeen Press & Journal article of Thursday 18 March 2010 that he was the Aberdeen Sheriff who had been named as an alleged child abuser in the wider Aberdeen rape gang ring at the heart of this appalling case. Could you please confirm if that is indeed the case and that Sheriff Graeme Buchanan is no longer a serving Sheriff at Aberdeen Sheriff Court? Surely until this case is thoroughly and impartially investigated (something we repeatedly requested of the CEO of Aberdeen City Council, Sue Bruce, and Dr Donald Lyons, Director of the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, over the past several months) then Sheriff Buchanan's position is wholly untenable and he MUST step aside until this matter if fully resolved. Or do you intend to turn a blind eye to that as well and allow him to continue to pass judgement on others when he himself is in the public dock presently?

We would like, yet again, to propose a meeting with you both to discuss Hollie's case in detail. We would be prepared to meet with you anywhere in Edinburgh and / or up in Aberdeenshire and at a time of your convenience.

We would also like to take this opportunity to invite you both to our forthcoming gatherings in Edinburgh and Aberdeen, which are to not only highlight the Hollie Greig scandal, but will also focus on all those who are victims of child abuse cover ups by the Scottish establishment - as in the case of Hollie. We would like to extend this invitation to all Members of the Scottish Parliament and to Messrs Gordon Brown MP, David Cameron MP (one of whom will be our next Prime Minister), Nick Clegg MP; Anne Begg MP, Frank Doran MP, Angus Robertson MP; Alistair Darling MP; and Owen Paterson MP (Hollie and Anne's MP) as well. Surely there is no more important issue than the welfare and protection of our children and those in our midst who are learning disabled and generally vulnerable. We are sure you ALL must agree and will want to attend these peaceful gatherings to eradicate paedophilia and abuse by those in our society who thrive on preying on and exploiting the weak in our midtst. We look forward to seeing you ALL there on Saturday 1 May in Edinburgh and Saturday 5 June in Aberdeen - details in the leaflets attached.

We await your co-operative response and our campaigning injustice group looks forward to meeting with you both at the very earliest opportunity.

Many thanks for your time.

Yours sincerely

Tom George (et al)

cc. All 129 MSPs; Gordon Brown MP; David Cameron MP; Nick Clegg MP; Anne Begg MP; Frank Doran MP; Angus Robertson MP; Alistair Darling MP; Owen Paterson MP; et al ...

Scots Against Injustice

Edinburgh- 07791-226-490- Investigators

Posters On behalf of the Palestine Telegraph I would like to thank all those in Hollie’s Army who continue to bombard me with emails and a special thank you to Tom George. Let’s also remind ourselves that this is for Hollie and her Mum Anne and all the other victims that have succumbed to satanic paedophiles. Bless you all

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 11/4/2010

Is the bubble about to burst on the Hollie Greig Story?

Is the bubble about to burst on the Hollie Greig Story?

Hollie Greig Pt 1/2

Hollie Greig Pt 2/2

Sunday, 11 April 2010 10:58 Added by PT Editor maysaa jarour
E-mail Print PDF

Robert_Bruce2UK, April 11, 2010 (Pal Telegraph, by Peter Eyre) - As everyone knows there has been nothing in the mainline media regarding Hollie Greig but we at the Palestine Telegraph always look for any opportunity to bring her name back on the front page. Since my last article on Hollie, the movement (Hollie’s Army) has been progressively growing stronger and exceeded 25,000 this week.

Their campaigns continues to hit out at the heart of the Scottish Government and the Judicial System and a short time ago they had a huge billboard travelling around the region demanding justice for Hollie. They have a couple of wonderful protests planned which is getting close to the nerve of the Government and also close to the person at the centre of this terrible story…..Sheriff Buchanan himself!

On May the 1st they will all meet in Edinburgh followed by the icing on the cake when they meet at the devil den in Aberdeen close to the notorious Sheriffs office.

We at the Palestine Telegraph are so pleased to be part of this fight for justice and will continue to support Hollie and her mum Anne. It is clear that Hollie is not the only victim to this paedophile ring and therefore it is essential that Hollie’s Army keep up this battle until the camels back is broken!

It is spring in the UK and it is also the run up to the election……such a good time to go on the attack….so much energy and life abounds and Hollie’s Army feel that the bubble is about the burst. Both the Scottish Government and the UK Government have to realise that this goes as far as you want it to go and it reaches up to high places in government… is therefore in their best interest to nip this in the bud and get a few heads to roll before it reaches higher levels. Hollie’s Army know most of the offenders and some of those in the extended paedophile ring in higher places….logic must win here otherwise governments or leaders could well fall victim to this advancing army……..remember in battle…..when you attack on many fronts you have the upper hand……divide and conquer are the tactics that the army is using and both governments should heed these warning!!.......Hollie’s Army will not give up….as you know those members north of the border have the spirit of Robert the Bruce instilled in their hearts……you cannot defeat such a spirit.

To the leader of the Scottish Government….Alex Salmond and to the leader of the UK Government…Gordon Brown… I say to you “Surrender or be defeated.” “The dust on the horizon is the approaching Hollie’s Army”

The Scots Against Injustice recently printed some very apt words that sums everything up – “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

“Do not be afraid of them therefore. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops.”

I would like to add some words from Gandhi:

“There are times when you have to obey a call which is the highest of all, i.e. the voice of conscience, even though such obedience may cost many a bitter tear, and even more, separation from friends, from family, from the state to which you may belong, from all that you have held as dear as life itself. For this obedience is the law of our being.”

To remind readers of the story and to promote communications the follow was written by Scots Against Injustice:

Hollie Demands Justice

… and no more paedophilia in Aberdeen, Scotland,

the UK and worldwide.

Google Hollie Greig
Hollie_and_Mum_AnneHollie and Anne Greig are still fighting to get justice for Hollie’s many years of systematic sexual abuse and violation at the hands of an alleged Aberdeen / Scottish paedophile rape gang, who have yet to be questioned and brought to justice by Grampian Police and the Scottish authorities. Hollie and Anne have been fighting to get justice for 10 long years (since May 2000) and had to flee their home city of Aberdeen in Scotland, to Shropshire in England, as a result of their horrific ordeal and the appalling indifference of the Aberdeen and Scottish authorities, which still continues to this day.

The Scottish Crown Office in Edinburgh (headed by the long-standing Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini), the Scottish First Minister (Alex Salmond MP / MSP), the Scottish “Justice” Secretary (Kenny MacAskill), the Scottish “Government”, the Scottish Secretary of State (Jim Murphy MP), every Aberdeen and Scottish politician, several Westminster / UK politicians (including Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg) and many other prominent individuals and statutory agencies continue to take no action over Hollie’s sickening case, say nothing publicly about it, remain completely silent and do nothing to obtain justice for Hollie and her mother, Anne.

Please help them both get the justice they truly deserve and now rightly demand – for themselves and the other known child abuse victims in this horrific case.

For more information please go to: (re the planned major gathering for Hollie, which is to take place on Union Street in Aberdeen on Saturday 5 June 2010);; “We won’t allow the state to cover up the Hollie Greig paedophile scandal” (the main Facebook Group); and Google Hollie Greig.

Hollie and Anne Greig have asked that we thank their many supporters and to say that their fight to expose the truth (whole truth and nothing but the truth) and obtain justice continues unabated.

A very special thanks goes out to Robert Green (Hollie and Anne Greig’s main spokesman and chief investigator in this case), Stuart Usher (who has kindly allowed his monthly demos in Edinburgh to mainly focus on Hollie’s case over recent months) and their other close friends as well – you all know who you are!

Any further queries to:

Stuart Usher

“Scotland Against Crooked Lawyers”



Tom George

“Scots Against Injustice”



The next peaceful gathering in Edinburgh for Hollie and Anne Greig will take place once again at Parliament Square, beside St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile, from noon to 3pm on Saturday 1 May 2010 – just a few days prior to the General Election on Thursday 6 May … so please make your views and voices heard!

Leaflet produced for the peaceful gathering for Hollie and Anne Greig in Edinburgh on Thursday 1 April 2010, from noon to 3pm – at Parliament Square, beside St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile (with Scotland’s Court of Session and High Court, the highest courts in the land, as the backdrop to this gathering).

Scots Against Injustice Edinburgh 07791-226-490

An attempt was made by this group to contact the BBC regarding comments made on BBC Radio 5 Live by a Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle which reads as follows:

Brief report on my phoning BBC Radio Five Live re Hollie, Friday 9 April 2010 ...

Last night BBC Radio Five Live were discussing the controversy of Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle's very insensitive remarks about those who suffer from Down's syndrome. Sharon Smith, the mother of a five-year-old child with Down's syndrome, went to his show and was hurt and offended by his comments ...

Frankie Boyle criticised for Down's syndrome joke ...

The phone-in last night on BBC Radio Five Live (10pm - 1am) focused once again on this issue and asked people to phone in with their comments. I called the show about 10.15pm and was immediately asked my name and where I was from, to which I replied "Tom George from Edinburgh". The backroom gentleman then asked what I would like to talk about and I said the furor over Frankie Boyle's comments and the BBC's extensive coverage of the story throughout the course of the day - apparently the story was the most read on their website. I was very careful not to mention Hollie Greig at that stage as I was going to mention her name On Air - and of course request the audience "Google Hollie Greig" as well! I did say that I was wanting to highlight how there are also other Down's syndrome sufferers out there who have been abused and failed by the authorities, but who were not getting the same mainstream media coverage.

The gentleman I spoke to said he would pass the details of my preliminary call on to his producers for approval and then call me back to have me live on the programme….. I am still waiting for their call ...

The remainder of this article will conclude with the following open letter that was sent by Scots Against Injustice to a multitude of politicians in Scotland and Westminster as follows:

An open letter to ...

Kenny MacAskill MSP

Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Justice

The Scottish Parliament


EH99 1S

Kenny MacAskill MSP
Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Justice

Constituency Office

16a Willowbrae Road


By email to: and (PA)

Alex Salmond MSP / MP

First Minister of Scotland

The Scottish Parliament


EH99 1SP

Office of the First Minister
St. Andrew's House
Regent Road

By email to: and (PA)

This is a copy of the letter as sent to all of the above today the 11th April 2010.

The list of those receiving this is too extensive to print but basically it has been sent to every politician in Scotland and key figures in Westminster

One can clearly see that this is not going to go away no matter what the resistance

Sunday 11 April 2010

Dear Kenny and Alex

The appalling case of Hollie Greig - and the Scottish political and judicial establishment's failure to properly address it over the past decade ...

We refer to the above case, which we first contacted you about many months ago last year and several times subsequently. Neither of you have personally responded to our many letters and we have been largely fobbed off by your PA's and other staff over the period of our correspondence in this regard. The same applies to the many others we contacted over the same period and all our correspondence is saved should you wish sight of that at any time - though you were copied in on much of our correspondence as well. That correspondence is also on the hard drive of Robert Green (lay legal representative to Hollie and Anne Greig), which was illegally confiscated from his Warrington home in Cheshire by Grampian Police when they went on a malicious fishing expedition and stole his property. That stolen property remains in the possession of Grampian Police some two months on, since Robert's unlawful arrest on the morning of Friday 12 February 2010 in Aberdeen - the Grampian Police illegally forced their way into his Warrington home on the afternoon of Saturday 13 February. We are sure Grampian Police Chief Constable, Colin McKerracher, will have been keeping you, Ms Elish Angiolini and Sheriff Graeme Buchanan up to speed on events - though McKerracher has repeatedly failed to communicate with us on these very serious and unresolved matters.

We understand that Sheriff Graeme Buchanan may have been put on gardening leave and that is certainly what we requested should happen after it was confirmed publicly in the Aberdeen Press & Journal article of Thursday 18 March 2010 that he was the Aberdeen Sheriff who had been named as an alleged child abuser in the wider Aberdeen rape gang ring at the heart of this appalling case. Could you please confirm if that is indeed the case and that Sheriff Graeme Buchanan is no longer a serving Sheriff at Aberdeen Sheriff Court? Surely until this case is thoroughly and impartially investigated (something we repeatedly requested of the CEO of Aberdeen City Council, Sue Bruce, and Dr Donald Lyons, Director of the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, over the past several months) then Sheriff Buchanan's position is wholly untenable and he MUST step aside until this matter if fully resolved. Or do you intend to turn a blind eye to that as well and allow him to continue to pass judgement on others when he himself is in the public dock presently?

We would like, yet again, to propose a meeting with you both to discuss Hollie's case in detail. We would be prepared to meet with you anywhere in Edinburgh and / or up in Aberdeenshire and at a time of your convenience.

We would also like to take this opportunity to invite you both to our forthcoming gatherings in Edinburgh and Aberdeen, which are to not only highlight the Hollie Greig scandal, but will also focus on all those who are victims of child abuse cover ups by the Scottish establishment - as in the case of Hollie. We would like to extend this invitation to all Members of the Scottish Parliament and to Messrs Gordon Brown MP, David Cameron MP (one of whom will be our next Prime Minister), Nick Clegg MP; Anne Begg MP, Frank Doran MP, Angus Robertson MP; Alistair Darling MP; and Owen Paterson MP (Hollie and Anne's MP) as well. Surely there is no more important issue than the welfare and protection of our children and those in our midst who are learning disabled and generally vulnerable. We are sure you ALL must agree and will want to attend these peaceful gatherings to eradicate paedophilia and abuse by those in our society who thrive on preying on and exploiting the weak in our midtst. We look forward to seeing you ALL there on Saturday 1 May in Edinburgh and Saturday 5 June in Aberdeen - details in the leaflets attached.

We await your co-operative response and our campaigning injustice group looks forward to meeting with you both at the very earliest opportunity.

Many thanks for your time.

Yours sincerely

Tom George (et al)

cc. All 129 MSPs; Gordon Brown MP; David Cameron MP; Nick Clegg MP; Anne Begg MP; Frank Doran MP; Angus Robertson MP; Alistair Darling MP; Owen Paterson MP; et al ...

Scots Against Injustice

Edinburgh- 07791-226-490- Investigators

Posters On behalf of the Palestine Telegraph I would like to thank all those in Hollie’s Army who continue to bombard me with emails and a special thank you to Tom George. Let’s also remind ourselves that this is for Hollie and her Mum Anne and all the other victims that have succumbed to satanic paedophiles. Bless you all

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 11/4/2010

Is the bubble about to burst on the Hollie Greig Story?

Is the bubble about to burst on the Hollie Greig Story?

Hollie Greig Pt 1/2

Hollie Greig Pt 2/2

Sunday, 11 April 2010 10:58 Added by PT Editor maysaa jarour
E-mail Print PDF

Robert_Bruce2UK, April 11, 2010 (Pal Telegraph, by Peter Eyre) - As everyone knows there has been nothing in the mainline media regarding Hollie Greig but we at the Palestine Telegraph always look for any opportunity to bring her name back on the front page. Since my last article on Hollie, the movement (Hollie’s Army) has been progressively growing stronger and exceeded 25,000 this week.

Their campaigns continues to hit out at the heart of the Scottish Government and the Judicial System and a short time ago they had a huge billboard travelling around the region demanding justice for Hollie. They have a couple of wonderful protests planned which is getting close to the nerve of the Government and also close to the person at the centre of this terrible story…..Sheriff Buchanan himself!

On May the 1st they will all meet in Edinburgh followed by the icing on the cake when they meet at the devil den in Aberdeen close to the notorious Sheriffs office.

We at the Palestine Telegraph are so pleased to be part of this fight for justice and will continue to support Hollie and her mum Anne. It is clear that Hollie is not the only victim to this paedophile ring and therefore it is essential that Hollie’s Army keep up this battle until the camels back is broken!

It is spring in the UK and it is also the run up to the election……such a good time to go on the attack….so much energy and life abounds and Hollie’s Army feel that the bubble is about the burst. Both the Scottish Government and the UK Government have to realise that this goes as far as you want it to go and it reaches up to high places in government… is therefore in their best interest to nip this in the bud and get a few heads to roll before it reaches higher levels. Hollie’s Army know most of the offenders and some of those in the extended paedophile ring in higher places….logic must win here otherwise governments or leaders could well fall victim to this advancing army……..remember in battle…..when you attack on many fronts you have the upper hand……divide and conquer are the tactics that the army is using and both governments should heed these warning!!.......Hollie’s Army will not give up….as you know those members north of the border have the spirit of Robert the Bruce instilled in their hearts……you cannot defeat such a spirit.

To the leader of the Scottish Government….Alex Salmond and to the leader of the UK Government…Gordon Brown… I say to you “Surrender or be defeated.” “The dust on the horizon is the approaching Hollie’s Army”

The Scots Against Injustice recently printed some very apt words that sums everything up – “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

“Do not be afraid of them therefore. For everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say to you in the dark, tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetops.”

I would like to add some words from Gandhi:

“There are times when you have to obey a call which is the highest of all, i.e. the voice of conscience, even though such obedience may cost many a bitter tear, and even more, separation from friends, from family, from the state to which you may belong, from all that you have held as dear as life itself. For this obedience is the law of our being.”

To remind readers of the story and to promote communications the follow was written by Scots Against Injustice:

Hollie Demands Justice

… and no more paedophilia in Aberdeen, Scotland,

the UK and worldwide.

Google Hollie Greig
Hollie_and_Mum_AnneHollie and Anne Greig are still fighting to get justice for Hollie’s many years of systematic sexual abuse and violation at the hands of an alleged Aberdeen / Scottish paedophile rape gang, who have yet to be questioned and brought to justice by Grampian Police and the Scottish authorities. Hollie and Anne have been fighting to get justice for 10 long years (since May 2000) and had to flee their home city of Aberdeen in Scotland, to Shropshire in England, as a result of their horrific ordeal and the appalling indifference of the Aberdeen and Scottish authorities, which still continues to this day.

The Scottish Crown Office in Edinburgh (headed by the long-standing Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini), the Scottish First Minister (Alex Salmond MP / MSP), the Scottish “Justice” Secretary (Kenny MacAskill), the Scottish “Government”, the Scottish Secretary of State (Jim Murphy MP), every Aberdeen and Scottish politician, several Westminster / UK politicians (including Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg) and many other prominent individuals and statutory agencies continue to take no action over Hollie’s sickening case, say nothing publicly about it, remain completely silent and do nothing to obtain justice for Hollie and her mother, Anne.

Please help them both get the justice they truly deserve and now rightly demand – for themselves and the other known child abuse victims in this horrific case.

For more information please go to: (re the planned major gathering for Hollie, which is to take place on Union Street in Aberdeen on Saturday 5 June 2010);; “We won’t allow the state to cover up the Hollie Greig paedophile scandal” (the main Facebook Group); and Google Hollie Greig.

Hollie and Anne Greig have asked that we thank their many supporters and to say that their fight to expose the truth (whole truth and nothing but the truth) and obtain justice continues unabated.

A very special thanks goes out to Robert Green (Hollie and Anne Greig’s main spokesman and chief investigator in this case), Stuart Usher (who has kindly allowed his monthly demos in Edinburgh to mainly focus on Hollie’s case over recent months) and their other close friends as well – you all know who you are!

Any further queries to:

Stuart Usher

“Scotland Against Crooked Lawyers”



Tom George

“Scots Against Injustice”



The next peaceful gathering in Edinburgh for Hollie and Anne Greig will take place once again at Parliament Square, beside St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile, from noon to 3pm on Saturday 1 May 2010 – just a few days prior to the General Election on Thursday 6 May … so please make your views and voices heard!

Leaflet produced for the peaceful gathering for Hollie and Anne Greig in Edinburgh on Thursday 1 April 2010, from noon to 3pm – at Parliament Square, beside St Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile (with Scotland’s Court of Session and High Court, the highest courts in the land, as the backdrop to this gathering).

Scots Against Injustice Edinburgh 07791-226-490

An attempt was made by this group to contact the BBC regarding comments made on BBC Radio 5 Live by a Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle which reads as follows:

Brief report on my phoning BBC Radio Five Live re Hollie, Friday 9 April 2010 ...

Last night BBC Radio Five Live were discussing the controversy of Scottish comedian Frankie Boyle's very insensitive remarks about those who suffer from Down's syndrome. Sharon Smith, the mother of a five-year-old child with Down's syndrome, went to his show and was hurt and offended by his comments ...

Frankie Boyle criticised for Down's syndrome joke ...

The phone-in last night on BBC Radio Five Live (10pm - 1am) focused once again on this issue and asked people to phone in with their comments. I called the show about 10.15pm and was immediately asked my name and where I was from, to which I replied "Tom George from Edinburgh". The backroom gentleman then asked what I would like to talk about and I said the furor over Frankie Boyle's comments and the BBC's extensive coverage of the story throughout the course of the day - apparently the story was the most read on their website. I was very careful not to mention Hollie Greig at that stage as I was going to mention her name On Air - and of course request the audience "Google Hollie Greig" as well! I did say that I was wanting to highlight how there are also other Down's syndrome sufferers out there who have been abused and failed by the authorities, but who were not getting the same mainstream media coverage.

The gentleman I spoke to said he would pass the details of my preliminary call on to his producers for approval and then call me back to have me live on the programme….. I am still waiting for their call ...

The remainder of this article will conclude with the following open letter that was sent by Scots Against Injustice to a multitude of politicians in Scotland and Westminster as follows:

An open letter to ...

Kenny MacAskill MSP

Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Justice

The Scottish Parliament


EH99 1S

Kenny MacAskill MSP
Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Justice

Constituency Office

16a Willowbrae Road


By email to: and (PA)

Alex Salmond MSP / MP

First Minister of Scotland

The Scottish Parliament


EH99 1SP

Office of the First Minister
St. Andrew's House
Regent Road

By email to: and (PA)

This is a copy of the letter as sent to all of the above today the 11th April 2010.

The list of those receiving this is too extensive to print but basically it has been sent to every politician in Scotland and key figures in Westminster

One can clearly see that this is not going to go away no matter what the resistance

Sunday 11 April 2010

Dear Kenny and Alex

The appalling case of Hollie Greig - and the Scottish political and judicial establishment's failure to properly address it over the past decade ...

We refer to the above case, which we first contacted you about many months ago last year and several times subsequently. Neither of you have personally responded to our many letters and we have been largely fobbed off by your PA's and other staff over the period of our correspondence in this regard. The same applies to the many others we contacted over the same period and all our correspondence is saved should you wish sight of that at any time - though you were copied in on much of our correspondence as well. That correspondence is also on the hard drive of Robert Green (lay legal representative to Hollie and Anne Greig), which was illegally confiscated from his Warrington home in Cheshire by Grampian Police when they went on a malicious fishing expedition and stole his property. That stolen property remains in the possession of Grampian Police some two months on, since Robert's unlawful arrest on the morning of Friday 12 February 2010 in Aberdeen - the Grampian Police illegally forced their way into his Warrington home on the afternoon of Saturday 13 February. We are sure Grampian Police Chief Constable, Colin McKerracher, will have been keeping you, Ms Elish Angiolini and Sheriff Graeme Buchanan up to speed on events - though McKerracher has repeatedly failed to communicate with us on these very serious and unresolved matters.

We understand that Sheriff Graeme Buchanan may have been put on gardening leave and that is certainly what we requested should happen after it was confirmed publicly in the Aberdeen Press & Journal article of Thursday 18 March 2010 that he was the Aberdeen Sheriff who had been named as an alleged child abuser in the wider Aberdeen rape gang ring at the heart of this appalling case. Could you please confirm if that is indeed the case and that Sheriff Graeme Buchanan is no longer a serving Sheriff at Aberdeen Sheriff Court? Surely until this case is thoroughly and impartially investigated (something we repeatedly requested of the CEO of Aberdeen City Council, Sue Bruce, and Dr Donald Lyons, Director of the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, over the past several months) then Sheriff Buchanan's position is wholly untenable and he MUST step aside until this matter if fully resolved. Or do you intend to turn a blind eye to that as well and allow him to continue to pass judgement on others when he himself is in the public dock presently?

We would like, yet again, to propose a meeting with you both to discuss Hollie's case in detail. We would be prepared to meet with you anywhere in Edinburgh and / or up in Aberdeenshire and at a time of your convenience.

We would also like to take this opportunity to invite you both to our forthcoming gatherings in Edinburgh and Aberdeen, which are to not only highlight the Hollie Greig scandal, but will also focus on all those who are victims of child abuse cover ups by the Scottish establishment - as in the case of Hollie. We would like to extend this invitation to all Members of the Scottish Parliament and to Messrs Gordon Brown MP, David Cameron MP (one of whom will be our next Prime Minister), Nick Clegg MP; Anne Begg MP, Frank Doran MP, Angus Robertson MP; Alistair Darling MP; and Owen Paterson MP (Hollie and Anne's MP) as well. Surely there is no more important issue than the welfare and protection of our children and those in our midst who are learning disabled and generally vulnerable. We are sure you ALL must agree and will want to attend these peaceful gatherings to eradicate paedophilia and abuse by those in our society who thrive on preying on and exploiting the weak in our midtst. We look forward to seeing you ALL there on Saturday 1 May in Edinburgh and Saturday 5 June in Aberdeen - details in the leaflets attached.

We await your co-operative response and our campaigning injustice group looks forward to meeting with you both at the very earliest opportunity.

Many thanks for your time.

Yours sincerely

Tom George (et al)

cc. All 129 MSPs; Gordon Brown MP; David Cameron MP; Nick Clegg MP; Anne Begg MP; Frank Doran MP; Angus Robertson MP; Alistair Darling MP; Owen Paterson MP; et al ...

Scots Against Injustice

Edinburgh- 07791-226-490- Investigators

Posters On behalf of the Palestine Telegraph I would like to thank all those in Hollie’s Army who continue to bombard me with emails and a special thank you to Tom George. Let’s also remind ourselves that this is for Hollie and her Mum Anne and all the other victims that have succumbed to satanic paedophiles. Bless you all

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 11/4/2010

Is the bubble about to burst on the Hollie Greig Story?

By-election will be on 16th of June

The by-election will be held to replace Stuart Syvret on the 16th of June. The successful candidate will be sworn in at the Royal Court on the 18th.

The former Senator was disqualified from office on Monday. He was thrown out of the States because he hasn't been resident in the island for the past six months.

Mr Syvret was Jersey's longest serving politician with a 20 year career behind him. Former Senator Syvret has said he'll come back and contest the election. But there's doubt as to whether he's eligible to stand.

Earlier this week his supporters issued a complaint to the Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee objecting to the termination of his Office. They say the PPC failed to protect his rights and freedoms as an elected member.

Stuart Syvret has been living in London since the 19th of October when he went into self imposed exile, claiming political asylum from what he claimed was a dysfunctional legal system that wouldn't give him a fair trial.

By-election will be on 16th of June

By-election will be on 16th of June

The by-election will be held to replace Stuart Syvret on the 16th of June. The successful candidate will be sworn in at the Royal Court on the 18th.

The former Senator was disqualified from office on Monday. He was thrown out of the States because he hasn't been resident in the island for the past six months.

Mr Syvret was Jersey's longest serving politician with a 20 year career behind him. Former Senator Syvret has said he'll come back and contest the election. But there's doubt as to whether he's eligible to stand.

Earlier this week his supporters issued a complaint to the Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee objecting to the termination of his Office. They say the PPC failed to protect his rights and freedoms as an elected member.

Stuart Syvret has been living in London since the 19th of October when he went into self imposed exile, claiming political asylum from what he claimed was a dysfunctional legal system that wouldn't give him a fair trial.

By-election will be on 16th of June

By-election will be on 16th of June

The by-election will be held to replace Stuart Syvret on the 16th of June. The successful candidate will be sworn in at the Royal Court on the 18th.

The former Senator was disqualified from office on Monday. He was thrown out of the States because he hasn't been resident in the island for the past six months.

Mr Syvret was Jersey's longest serving politician with a 20 year career behind him. Former Senator Syvret has said he'll come back and contest the election. But there's doubt as to whether he's eligible to stand.

Earlier this week his supporters issued a complaint to the Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee objecting to the termination of his Office. They say the PPC failed to protect his rights and freedoms as an elected member.

Stuart Syvret has been living in London since the 19th of October when he went into self imposed exile, claiming political asylum from what he claimed was a dysfunctional legal system that wouldn't give him a fair trial.

By-election will be on 16th of June

By-election for Jersey senator post

A by-election has been called for a new senator in Jersey's government following the removal of Stuart Syvret from the post.

The States Assembly, the island's decision-making body, is made up of 12 senators who sit for a six-year term.

Mr Syvret was automatically removed from his position this week as he was absent from the island for six months.

The States has announced the by-election will be held on 16 June with the new senator sworn in on 18 June.

By-election for Jersey senator post

By-election for Jersey senator post

A by-election has been called for a new senator in Jersey's government following the removal of Stuart Syvret from the post.

The States Assembly, the island's decision-making body, is made up of 12 senators who sit for a six-year term.

Mr Syvret was automatically removed from his position this week as he was absent from the island for six months.

The States has announced the by-election will be held on 16 June with the new senator sworn in on 18 June.

By-election for Jersey senator post

By-election for Jersey senator post

A by-election has been called for a new senator in Jersey's government following the removal of Stuart Syvret from the post.

The States Assembly, the island's decision-making body, is made up of 12 senators who sit for a six-year term.

Mr Syvret was automatically removed from his position this week as he was absent from the island for six months.

The States has announced the by-election will be held on 16 June with the new senator sworn in on 18 June.

By-election for Jersey senator post

Thursday 22 April 2010

Dont forget the bath

Dont forget the bath

Dont forget the bath

Jack Straw CAUGHT Lying about children in care

Jack Straw's brother guilty of sex assault

By Andrea Babbington

Friday, 8 September 2000

Home Secretary Jack Straw's brother has been convicted of the indecent assault of a 16-year-old girl.

Home Secretary Jack Straw's brother has been convicted of the indecent assault of a 16-year-old girl.

William Straw, 47, had denied assaulting the girl at her home in the Bramcote area of Nottingham in April this year at a Nottingham Magistrates Court hearing.

But district judge Peter Nuttall found Straw, an Open University administrator, guilty and fined him £750 plus £275 costs. He will be placed on the sex offenders' register for five years.

The court heard how he had bumped into the girl, who is a friend of the family, while she was shopping on April 19 this year and asked her to come to his home to see his new dog.

The girl refused, as she had to revise for her GCSEs, but a short time later the father-of-two rang her home and repeated the offer.

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told the court Straw then rode his bike around to her house and invited himself in.

She said Straw, who is married but separated, started chatting and at one point touched part of her stomach exposed below the crop top she was wearing.

She said the pair continued to talk and Straw then asked where her bedroom was and if he could have a look. Once there he put his hands on her hips and stared at her breasts.

When she told him he was scaring her, he apologised and left.

Jack Straw's brother guilty of sex assault

Justice Ministry to bar parents from telling their own stories

The Websters made headlines, but, says Matthew Bell, such exposure will soon be impossible

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Last Wednesday, Mark and Nicky Webster were told they will never see three of their children again, even though a judge accepted that allegations of abuse could be false. Their story was the lead item on the following day's BBC news, and appeared in several newspapers with pictures of the couple and quotes of them saying they felt they had been the victims of a miscarriage of justice.

But as of April, because of a change in legislation being introduced by Jack Straw, the Justice Secretary, the media will no longer be able to identify those involved in cases such as the Websters. It will also be illegal for any children currently in care to speak out, even if they feel they are being maltreated.

The change, unremarked by the press, comes within an overhaul of the law on the reporting of family courts that has otherwise been widely welcomed by the media. Currently there is a blanket ban on journalists entering family courts, but in December Straw announced a change to the law that will allow journalists to attend family court hearings. "A really important veil is being lifted on what happens in these courts" he said. The change was greeted warmly, particularly by The Times, whose columnist Camilla Cavendish had led the campaign to open up the family courts, for which she won the Paul Foot Award. But what The Times omitted to mention was a line, slipped in at the end of Straw's statement, stating his intention to reverse the decision in a case known as Clayton v Clayton.

Simon Clayton is an intense 47-year-old book-seller from Hay-on-Wye. In 2003, he astonished locals in the Welsh border town by abducting his seven-year-old daughter, days ahead of a divorce hearing, fearing he would lose custody to his wife. He was tracked down to Portugal and brought home under arrest, after which he fought a lengthy custody battle.

When his case was concluded, Clayton found he was legally barred from offering a public explanation for what he had done. He fought the existing legislation, and in 2006 the Court of Appeal reached a landmark ruling that a parent should be allowed to identify himself and his child and tell his story. It was decided that a parent's right to freedom of expression was greater than a child's right to privacy.

It is because of that Clayton v Clayton ruling that the Websters were able to speak of their distress on Thursday. "Reversing it will mean that any child or adult who has been in a family court case cannot identify themselves in public," says Clayton. "The implication of this for papers is bad – editors are only interested in a story if it has a human dimension, if you can see the people or read about them by name."

Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming agrees: "There are two issues here. One is that the press will be prevented from reporting cases like the Websters with their names and faces. The other is that, at the moment, children who are in care are entitled to speak out if they are unhappy, although it doesn't happen very often because nobody knows how to do it. The effect of this change will be to gag them."

Since Clayton v Clayton there have been no complaints of invasion of privacy. "Fran Lyon, Angela Canning, Bob Geldof, Jack Frost – there are more than a dozen people who have benefited from being able to go public with their stories," says Clayton. "There are thousands of people like the Websters out there who, once their cases are over, will want to log on to a forum and discuss what happened to them and get support. As of April, it will be illegal to identify yourself in any way that could lead to the identification of the child." Similarly, there are occasions when the children may wish to make a public statement.

Clayton is incensed that Straw is claiming to be opening up the family courts while reversing the Court of Appeal's ruling, and says he has yet to receive an explanation, or any reply, from Straw's office. A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: "The Secretary of State has made it clear that any move towards openness in the family courts must be balanced with the welfare, privacy and well-being of children." She added that the decision to reverse Clayton had been made following a consultation with a variety of bodies. For better or worse, the balance has been tipped against openness.

Some say the child must come first, end of discussion. Others see a sinister attempt to gag those who say the system doesn't work. Cavendish takes a less conspiratorial view, but is nonetheless perplexed about the reversal of Clayton. "It won't cancel out the new legislation but it will make it increasingly difficult to report these cases," she said. "I'm afraid I don't know why it is happening."

Justice Ministry to bar parents from telling their own stories