Tuesday 18 May 2010

Stuart Syvret calls for party politics

By Andy Sibcy

Mr Syvret told the meeting that he wanted a more accountable States STUART Syvret last night threw his weight behind calls for party politics as the best way to create a fairer and more accountable States system.

At a public meeting at the Town Hall which effectively marked his public re-emergence onto the Island’s political stage after six months of self-imposed exile, the former Senator said that, if elected in the forthcoming by-election, he would work to establish a new party which could fight the first ‘general election’ in 2012.

He said that Jersey politicians needed to be held accountable through manifesto pledges and that the maintenance of the current system of independent Members merely enabled the ruling elite to marginalise the will of the people.

In front of around 120 people who attended the meeting called by Mr Syvret, the former Health Minister also revealed that he still harboured ambitions to be Chief Minister and would stand for the post if re-elected. However, he said that he would rather do so as the head of a political party having first been elected by its members.

Article posted on 18th May, 2010 - 2.59pm
Stuart Syvret calls for party politics