Sunday 9 May 2010

Couple face 49 assault charges

By Jo Hutchison

The former children's care home in St Martin

A MARRIED couple accused of attacking children at Haut de la Garenne – including allegedly pushing a baby’s face into urine and forcing others to drink liquid detergent – will face a trial.

In the Royal Court yesterday, Morag Louise Jordan (62) and Anthony Jordan (61) were charged with 49 counts of assault to girls and boys as young as one between 22 December 1974 and 16 December 1984 at the children’s home.

Mrs Jordan (née Kidd), from Dundee, and Mr Jordan, from South Wales, denied all the charges against them. The couple were released on conditional bail.

Article posted on 8th May, 2010 - 2.58pm

Couple face 49 assault charges