Wednesday 19 May 2010

Public Meeting with Stuart Syvret.

Borrowed from the only reliable media outlets in  JerseyThe Voice

Public Meeting with Stuart Syvret.Below is some video of the public meeting held by former Senator Stuart Syvret Monday night, 17th May 2010 with co-chair Dr Mark Forskitt.

After talking on the phone today with a senior editor at CTV we have been informed, they will not be broadcasting any of the meeting any time soon, because among other reasons, they found there was nothing that was “news worthy” contained in the meeting. So once more it has been left to Citizens Media to broadcast the stuff that our “accredited” media won’t.

We decided the clip to use would be that of a dissenter challenging Mr. Syvret and Mr. Syvret’s response. Respect has to go to the gentleman for speaking out against Mr.Syvret because the Town Hall was full with a huge majority being in favour of Mr.Syvret and his “message.” It must be said that Mr. Syvret spent a great deal of time at the beginning of the meeting explaining why he went to London and what he was doing over there which would have caused some of the “heckling” the questioner received.

The reason we chose this clip is because we believe it is the clip the “accredited” media would have used, had they broadcast any of the meeting. Well saying that, personally I believe they would have showed the question but not the answer, but maybe that’s me just being too sceptical!

Furthermore I would like to say that the Senior Editor at CTV agreed that there was DOUBLE the amount of 120 people at the meeting as reported in the JEP. Viewers will be able to make their own estimation of the amount of people present.

VFC would like to say we have no evidence to substantiate the claims made by Senator Syvret concerning the Crown Officers/Offices and 7 Bedford Row and they are entirely the opinion of Mr. Syvret……………and the huge majority of the crowd.

This isn’t a case of “you saw it here first” it is a case of you ONLY saw it here.
Perhaps I will publish what Stuart had to say at the meeting about the Mainstream Media next?

Stuart Syvret Interview.
Last Friday the 14th May 2010 Team Voice interviewed former Senator Stuart Syvret “in-depth.” Below is the video of part one of that interview.

Team Voice wanted to put the questions to the former Senator that we believed the public would want answers to and in particular, those of his detractors. So much did we want his detractors questions put to him, we actually contacted an alleged victim of his Blog and asked that person for the questions they wanted asked……and we asked them - which will be the next instalment of this in-depth interview.

As the title explains this video interview with Stuart Syvret is part two of a trilogy. This particular instalment focuses on the questions that were written by an alleged victim of Stuart’s Blog.

We believe we have been fairly objective in the two interviews with Stuart and have put some pretty tuff questions his way, which in fairness to him, he has answered “in depth”

Part three of the this trilogy, will concentrate on the “personal” side of his battle with the establishment, what has been his personal cost?

Part one of the interview can be seen Here

Stuart Syvret part 3 of 3.
As regular readers/viewers of Team Voice will be aware, we were, on the 14th of may 2010, granted an in-depth interview with Stuart Syvret. This is the third and final instalment of the interview with part one being here and part two being here.

We believe the first two interviews were pretty tuff with the questioning of Stuart and this final part will bring a bit of balance to the interview. Here we try to concentrate on the personal cost to Stuart and is it all worth it?