Sunday 9 May 2010

Community service in porn case

By Jo Hutchison

Andrew David Roberts arriving at the Royal Court

AN ex-honorary policeman who downloaded the ‘most depraved images of child pornography’ – including searching the internet to view the rape of a baby – was sentenced to community service by the Royal Court yesterday.

Andrew David Roberts downloaded more than 500 indecent photographs of children – including some images of sadism, bestiality and children having sex with children – the court heard.

The 40-year-old was convicted in March of downloading 340 indecent photographs of children between 1 January and 20 December 2007 and downloading 186 indecent photographs of children between 1 January and 26 February 2008 during a trial in March. Some of the images were of children under the age of ten.

Roberts, who left the St Helier honorary police force about ten years ago, was sentenced to 276 hours of community service for the two child pornography offences and a further charge of fraud. He had already admitted criminally and fraudulently obtaining £1,635 from the Social Security department between 1 August and 30 September 2008.

Article posted on 8th May, 2010 - 2.59pm
Community service in porn case