Thursday 25 November 2010

‘Ozouf must go’ call

By Lucy Mason
Deputy Geoff Southern addresses the crowd at Fort Regent last night THERE were calls for the Treasury Minister to be sacked last night amid claims that he lied to Islanders about raising the rate of GST.

Senator Philip Ozouf came under heavy fire from all sides at last night’s protest rally at Fort Regent, organised by the union Unite, and a petition is now circulating to get him removed from office.

The minister, who recently went back on a promise to the States not to bring a proposal to increase GST, was branded ‘Pinocchio’ and posters bearing his face on the body of the cartoon character, complete with long nose, were placed around the hall.

Around 180 people turned out for the rally – far fewer than were expected and well short of the 1,000 who attended the last protest against GST. However, the crowd remained defiant and many expressed their anger and frustration at the proposed cuts and the current state of Jersey’s political system.

‘Ozouf must go’ call