Thursday 4 November 2010

Ex-minister attacks police handling of suspect nurse

By Carly Lockhart

Stuart Syvret

A FORMER Hospital nurse suspected of murdering patients ten years ago went on to work at a private care home where there was a ‘cluster’ of deaths, the former Health Minister claimed in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday.
The male nurse was also alleged to have had a sexual relationship with a terminally-ill patient under his care at another nursing home in 2001.

On the third day of former Senator Stuart Syvret’s trial for allegedly breaching the data protection law, he attacked the police for failing to get the nurse struck off the national nursing register.

He said that, had the police taken action to report the former staff nurse to the Nursing and Midwifery Council ten years ago, he would not have posed a threat to ‘vulnerable and frail’ people.

The former States Member, representing himself, spent three hours cross-examining DI Chris Beechey, who said that he was confident the matter had been appropriately dealt with by police at the time.

Ex-minister attacks police handling of suspect nurse