Tuesday 6 October 2009

Accountant is charged with rape and assault

By Ramsay Cudlipp

AN accountant appeared in the Magistrate’s Court yesterday charged with rape and indecent assault as a result of the historical abuse inquiry.

Leonard Miles Vandenborn (62), of Route de St Jean, St Lawrence, was charged on Friday with 26 counts of indecent assault and one of rape at two properties in Jersey.

His appearance in the dock yesterday was interrupted twice when one man was physically prevented from entering the court and another man was ejected after shouting at the defendant.

Mr Vandenborn, a self-employed accountant, is accused of 26 counts of indecently assaulting two girls at two different properties between 1975 and 1987. He is also accused of raping one of the girls between 1981 and 1982.

Article posted on 6th October, 2009 - 2.56pm
Accountant is charged with rape and assault