Tuesday 31 March 2009

Senator Perchard speaks live in Channel Report

If you believe Senator Stuart Syvret, then Jersey's current Health Minister told him to go and commit suicide.

Up until now Senator Perchard has avoided speaking to the media.

But, with pressure mounting for his resignation tonight he decided to face his critics.

Senator Jim Perchard told his version of events on Channel Report.


No confidence vote in Health Minister

Jersey Deputy Roy le Herisser has called for a vote of no confidence in the island's Health Minister, Senator Jim Perchard.

Senator Perchard has been under fire from States members since he apologised for using "inappropriate language" during a States meeting.

He was reported to have told the former Health Minister, Senator Stuart Syvret, he should "top himself."

Deputy le Herissier lodged the motion this morning, and said he was disappointed Senator Perchard hadn't done more to show he regretted his actions.

"I was hoping the Minister would resign and submit himself for re-election. I don't think that the apologies from the Chief Minister amounted to a defence and it's something I felt I had to test with the House," said Deputy le Herissier.

Senator Perchard was unavailable for comment.
