Saturday 28 March 2009

Consultancy to investigate death of nurse

By Dolores Cowburn

THE terms of reference of an independent inquiry into the death of Elizabeth Rourke at the General Hospital in 2006 have been announced.

Three investigators from Verita, a management consultancy that specialises in inquiries in health and social care, will look at the care and treatment of Mrs Rourke from her GP referral until the start of the police investigation.

The 49-year-old nurse died in 2006 following routine surgery. In January this year, Dr Dolores Moyano Ontiveros was cleared of her manslaughter, but several questions about the tragedy remain unanswered.

Former Health Minister Stuart Syvret says that the scope of the inquiry is too narrow. He intendsd to lodge a proposition on Monday asking the States to invite the Healthcare Commission to take on the investigation.

• Picture: The General Hospital
Article posted on 28th March, 2009 - 9.57am