By Diane Simon
Jersey,s Haut de la Garenne is to be reopened for the use of visiting military groups on exercises.
The first group to make use of part of the building, to which the Youth Hostel Association have said they will not be returning, will be a group of TA Royal Engineers who are joining their local counterparts in June for two weeks of work in the Island.
The building became the subject of worldwide media publicity in February 2008 after former deputy police chief Lenny Harper said that what was believed to be the partial remains of a child had been found there. That item was subsequently discounted by scientists in the UK as probably a piece of wood or coconut.
Some rooms in the building have been virtually unaffected by the excavations, and the reopening of sections of the centre will enable military groups to visit the Island to carry out community projects and training exercises.
Article posted on 30th March, 2009 - 1.57pm