Friday 15 October 2010

Police over-reacted with Syvret arrest, says court

Former Senator Stuart Syvret.

Former Senator Stuart Syvret.

POLICE went ‘over the top’ when they arrested Stuart Syvret and should not have locked him up for seven hours in a cell, the Assistant Magistrate presiding over his case has said.

Bridget Shaw yesterday described the former Health Minister’s arrest following a raid on his home last year as disproportionate to the charges he faced.

Those charges, which related to breaches of the Data Protection Law and minor motoring offences, would never result in a prison sentence, she said, and therefore the actions of the police were ‘wrong’. Instead, Mrs Shaw said, the police should have invited Mr Syvret, who was found guilty yesterday of the motoring offences, to attend an interview at the police station.

Article posted on 15th October, 2010 - 2.56pm

Police over-reacted with Syvret arrest, says court