Saturday 9 October 2010

Jersey's Chief Minister refuses to release controversial report

Jersey's Chief Minister is refusing to release a report into the suspension of the island's former police chief because he fears 'there could be grounds for disciplinary action arising out of the report.'

Senator Le Sueur says he's now seeking advice as to what to do next.

But Deputy Bob Hill is not happy. He believes Senator Le Sueur is stalling. The deputy's read the Napier Report and thinks it should be made public.

He says Senator Terry Le Sueur has gone back on his promise and that the decision not to go public undermines the Chief Minister's authority.

Deputy Hill said: "I think it weakens it. It makes him indecisive. It really leaves most of the public saying well what really is going on. What has he got to hide. I don't think there's anything to hide at all and all I think we need to publish it and take the action which necessarily should have been published two years ago."

We'll have more on this story in tonight's Channel Report.

Jersey's Chief Minister refuses to release controversial report