Saturday 9 October 2010

Napier report released

Mistakes were made in the way Jersey's former Police Chief was suspended.

An independent report highlights several failings in the procedure followed in the run-up to Graham Power's exclusion from office.

But the report has concluded there was no plot to oust the police chief and there is no need for a further inquiry.

The Chief Minister has issued the report received from Brian Napier QC, who was commissioned to review the suspension process.

The Chief Minister ordered the report after Deputy Bob Hill called for a full-blown Committee of Inquiry into the suspension.

Mr Napier is a Scottish advocate who specialises in Employment Law. He was selected by the Chief Minister and Deputy Bob Hill, from a list of specialists provided by ACAS

The report was commissioned in March 2010, but due to delays in arranging interviews with those involved and Mr Napier’s other work commitments, it was not possible to complete the review in the original timescale. The final report was received on 13 September.

When the Chief Minister reviewed the report and conclusions reached by Mr Napier he felt advice was required before the report could be published.

Senator Terry Le Sueur said: 'I regret that it has taken longer than I originally envisaged to complete the report. I hope, now it has been published in its entirety, both States Members and the public will see that it is thorough and reaches a number of conclusions.

'Mr Napier was asked to examine the suspension procedure and to judge whether or not a Committee of Enquiry into the suspension of Mr Power was justified. Mr Napier concludes that his findings do not warrant a further inquiry in the interests of open government; and he states I do not see a need to investigate these matters further'.

Senator Le Sueur added 'While he has highlighted procedural failings in the suspension process, Mr Napier found no evidence of a ‘conspiracy’ to oust Mr Power for some improper reason and I hope this allegation can now be put to rest.

'I have taken advice on all the conclusions and will be acting on that advice in the coming weeks. As was the case throughout Mr Power’s suspension, I intend to maintain confidentiality on this matter, and will ensure any individuals involved are treated with respect.

'“I will not be making any further statement on the conclusions of the report until all internal matters have been concluded.'

Napier report released