Wednesday 24 February 2010

Time's running out for Senator Stuart Syvret

Jersey Senator Stuart Syvret has until the middle of April to return to the States or he'll be removed from office.

Senator Syvret has been in self-imposed exile in the UK since last October and has now missed twenty states sittings.

He was arrested in April last year for allegedly breaching the data protection law by publishing details of a secret police report on his website.

He was also later charged with driving offences.

But with the case about to go to court he fled to London seeking 'legal asylum' and claiming he couldn't get a fair trial in Jersey.

The Privileges and Procedures Committee has said under States of Jersey law he must be back by April 19th.

If he doesn't return to the States by that date there will be a by-election to fill his seat.

Time's running out for Senator Stuart Syvret