Thursday 25 February 2010

‘They want it swept under the carpet’

‘They want it swept under the carpet’

By Andy Sibcy

THE Chief Minister and his supporters have shown once again that they would rather sweep things under the carpet than face the rigour of a public inquiry, Deputy Bob Hill said this morning.

He made the damning assessment after the States – and a block vote by all Senators and ministers present in the House yesterday – rejected his calls for a committee of inquiry into the suspension of police chief Graham Power.

After more than five hours of debate held behind closed doors, Deputy Hill’s proposition was rejected by 26 votes to 21. Instead, an internal States inquiry headed by an expert appointed by the Chief Minister and others will now be held.

‘It will be another whitewash,’ said Deputy Hill. ‘They don’t want to face up to the reality that things look bad and things are not as they should be. It is all about keeping it under wraps.’

‘They want it swept under the carpet’
Article posted on 25th February, 2010 - 3.00pm