Friday 12 February 2010

Frank Walker replies to Power allegations

A brief reminder of the past

Frank Walker replies to Power allegations
Gillian Martindale reports on allegations made by suspended Police Chief Graham Power

Jersey's suspended police chief believes the island is increasingly being run by a politicised civil service who are doing deals with an inner circle of top States members.

In a 20-page document, registered with the Royal Court, Graham Power says the way he has been treated poses potentially serious consequences for the independence and integrity of the island's police force. He claims that dissenting politicians who stood up for him at various meetings were shouted at and bullied. The police chief believes they probably have a good case for claiming compensation.

Mr Power says disciplinary proceedings are not being carried out properly and, in his case, key notes were destroyed.

Frank Walker, who was Chief Minister at the time of Mr Power's suspension has denied there was any bullying and says he was repeatedly reassured that Mr Power's suspension was carried out 100% by the book.

Mr Walker has today (Thursday) issued the following statement:

'I wish to make the following abundantly clear.

1] There was no conspiracy amongst politicians or others. As time has gone on however a clear conspiracy theory has emerged, which is both unfortunate and completely untrue.

2] All the actions I took, working as I had to, with Andrew Lewis in his capacity as HA Minister, were strictly based upon the legal and procedural advice we were being given. I stressed time and time again that any action, following the shocking revelations about the management of the HDLG enquiry, in the Police press conference, had to be 100% according to the book. I was repeatedly given those assurances.

3] I did not shout at Wendy Kinnard. At the meeting GP has referred to I, acting upon the wishes of, and reflecting concerns held by, the entire COM, asked her to confirm, given the conflict she had revealed, if she felt she was in a position to continue to act as HA Minister. That was a very important question that had to be asked and I did so in a calm and proper manner. I and others in the meeting were shocked at GP's vehement reaction which was in no way justified by the question I asked or the manner in which I asked it.

4] Although I, together with most States members, and I think the vast majority of the people of Jersey, developed over time serious concerns about the way in which Mr. Harper was conducting the HDLG enquiry, I gave my full support to the Police, including of course Mr. Power, for whom I had a great respect, on many occassions, both publicly and privately. This included statements and answers to probing questions in the States. Indeed I have been criticised by some for giving them that support, particularly giving the Police, right from the outset of the investigation, what, in effect, amounted to an open cheque book to ensure that no stone was left unturned and that no line of investigation had to be curtailed due to lack of funds. It is patently untrue to suggest that I, working with others, was against the child abuse enquiry. Those who make that allegation are seeking to re-write clearly documented history.

5] I am deeply disappointed that this matter has taken so long to resolve and it is essential, for all concerned, that it is now concluded as soon as possible. I therefore wamly welcome Senator Le Sueur's initiative to establish an independent review. Although I believe that is the better way to proceed, I will also fully support a CofI if that is the wish of the States. It goes without saying that I will be happy to give evidence to either.

6] In summary I completely reject the allegations and suggestions being made and reiterate my view that, after the shocking revelations in the Police press conference, the suspension of Mr. Power was the correct procedure and that to the best of my knowledge, it was properly and professionally handled. That is what I have given in my statement to the Wiltshire Police.'

Frank Walker replies to Power allegations