Saturday 30 May 2009

Call for Health ‘cover-up’ inquiry

FORMER Health Minister Stuart Syvret believes there was a brazen attempt at a cover-up following the death of Elizabeth Rourke at the General Hospital in 2006 and is calling for a Committee of Inquiry to investigate.

Yesterday, the Senator lodged a proposition in the States asking for ‘rigorous, independent and expert scrutiny’ into the death of Mrs Rourke (49) who died during a routine operation.
Locum Dr Dolores Moyano Ontiveros was cleared of her manslaughter in January this year, but several questions about the tragedy remain unanswered.

As reported yesterday, hospital consultant John Day is still prevented from working since her death and has been suspended on full pay.

Senator Syvret says that every public administration in Jersey, including Health and Social Services, the Council of Ministers, the chief executive to the States and the States police failed to take the correct and appropriate actions concerning the death of Mrs Rourke.

Article posted on 30th May, 2009 - 2.59pm

Hospital death investigator named

Death probe consultant still paid