Friday 8 May 2009

Behaviour of Senators under investigation

THE committee responsible for the conduct of politicians is carrying out an investigation into the spat in the States that led to the resignation of former Health Minister Jim Perchard.

The inquiry centres on allegations that Senator Perchard told Senator Stuart Syvret to ‘go and top himself’ during a sitting in March. The Privileges and Procedures Committee summoned Senators Perchard and Syvret to a meeting last week to ask them to explain the incident.

Committee chairman Juliette Gallichan refused to comment on the matter and would not even confirm that the two Senators had been asked to appear before the committee.

However, Senator Syvret confirmed that he had refused to attend and Senator Perchard said that he turned up but had serious reservations about the committee’s methods.

Senator Perchard said he felt the committee ‘was on a fishing trip’ and told the members that he was unwilling to speak about the incident publicly.

Article posted on 8th May, 2009 - 2.58pm

Behaviour of Senators under investigation