Friday 2 January 2009

SoJP investigate allegations of historic child abuse in Jersey

Thursday 22 November 2007



The States of Jersey Police can confirm that a team of investigators led by the Deputy Chief Officer are currently carrying out an investigation into a number of allegations of historical sexual and physical abuse of children in specific institutions and organisations in Jersey. The allegations at present involve serious criminal offences spanning the period from the nineteen sixties until the early years of this decade, although the bulk of the matters at present refer to the nineteen seventies and eighties.

They are alleged to have occurred on premises run by the States as well as voluntary groups. Investigators are in possession of a number of names of both victims and witnesses, some of whom have already been spoken to by officers and valuable information and evidence obtained. Over the coming weeks the team will be contacting the rest of the names on the list.

It is realised that this process may re-open old wounds in victims and witnesses alike, and the police are working in partnership with the NSPCC in the United Kingdom to provide a confidential counselling service for those concerned who would like such assistance, either after speaking to the police or, if they prefer, before doing so. NSPCC staff can be spoken to daily between 9 am and 12 midnight on Free to call number 0800 169 1173. If calling from outside Jersey or the UK then the number dialled should be +44(0)20 7825 7489.

Both these numbers can be found on the following States of Jersey Police websites; and These numbers will connect directly to NSPCC staff in the UK and will have no link to any number in the Island. Whilst callers will be encouraged to give their names they can call anonymously if they wish.

Currently the investigation’s main focus is on Haute de la Garenne Care home and the Jersey Sea Cadets. The States of Jersey Police would like to make it clear that we have been assured by the Chief Minister that all States Departments will give full co-operation to the enquiry and to date this has been the case. Full and valuable assistance has also been forthcoming from the current Management team of the Sea Cadets, both in Jersey and the United Kingdom.

Detectives will continue to interview known witnesses and victims over the coming weeks. However, we would ask that anyone who feels that they have useful information, or indeed if they have been a victim themselves, to contact the Historical Abuse Enquiry Team on 0800 7357777.

The States of Jersey Police can assure victims who we are speaking to that they will be treated with professionalism and consideration at all times, and that the force will do all in our power to bring to justice those who have committed these serious crimes against them. We would also like to make clear that this enquiry was in progress well before the current controversy about Child Protection Policies.
