Sunday 21 March 2010

The Pope and ALL who cover up child abuse should be charged with 'VICARIOUS LIABILITY'

Due to the long and arduous legal battles of the 'Medomsley Heroes' a statute was set for 'Vicarious Liability' meaning those who witnessed abuse and who stood by and did nothing are also liable and could potentially be charged. Search: justice4survivors.

International award winning film director Bill Maloney was brought up in the care of brutal UK authorities as were the rest of his family. His passion to expose the truth and ‘tell it how it is’ led a group of courageous abuse victims to approach Maloney to tell their stories.

Pie ‘n’ Mash Films and justice4survivors are part of a chain that is strengthening and linking up throughout the world to make is a safer place for our children - because THEY are the future.

Please google ‘Adam Rickwood & The Medomsley Heroes’ and find Maloney’s latest video report about abuse at St Peter’s Approved School on YouTube: ‘St Peter’s Child Abuse Advert’.