In an email sent yesterday to Chief Minister Senator Terry Le Sueur, Deputy Hill said that a report sent by Mr Power to Privileges and Procedures chairman Juliette Gallichan shows that the integrity and motives of those involved with the suspension were highly questionable.
‘It would appear that there is substance to Mr Power’s observation that the actions of a number of people raised the possibility of “a government within a government” in which unidentified and unaccountable individuals exercise power outside the parameters of the law,’ the Deputy told the Chief Minister.
Deputy Hill said today that he had decided to act after reading the report sent by Mr Power in October to the PPC chairman asking her committee to consider whether anyone in government had made false or misleading statements to him or to the States in relation to his suspension and the disciplinary process.
The Chief Minister said he was unable to comment at this time. Mrs Gallichan could not be contacted.
Article posted on 11th January, 2010 - 3.00pm
Top-level ‘conspiracy’ is alleged