Wednesday 26 August 2009

‘I’ll go to jail before I pay them a penny’

SENATOR Stuart Syvret has vowed that he would rather go to jail and forfeit his seat in the States than pay a penny in legal costs after losing a Royal Court action.

As reported yesterday, the Senator is facing a large bill after being ordered to pay the legal costs of the Attorney General resulting from his failed bid to convince the Royal Court that he could not get a fair trial in Jersey.

Senator Syvret said: ‘They always wanted me out of politics and sending me to jail for telling the truth would be quite an apposite way to sign off.’

Under Island law, a States Member must stand down if sentenced to a prison term of more than three months and when there was no option of paying a fine.

Senator Syvret is due to appear in the Magistrate’s Court on Thursday to answer four charges. He is accused of driving without a licence and failing to notify the relevant authorities of a change of address. He is also charged with offences under the data protection law.

Article posted on 26th August, 2009 - 2.58pm
‘I’ll go to jail before I pay them a penny’