Wednesday 16 March 2011

Power criticicises decision to publish report in more detail

former Police Chief Graham Power.

FORMER police chief Graham Power has heavily criticised the decision to publish the fuller version of the independent Wiltshire Report into his supervision of the historical child abuse inquiry.

He said that he regarded the report’s publication as an abuse of political power and a distraction to the real issues.

In his view, in the interests of justice and fair play, if the report was going to be published, a copy of his defence statement should have been released at the same time.

But Home Affairs Minister Ian Le Marquand said that when he asked Mr Power’s professional association representative in a letter last year if Mr Power wanted his statement published, he failed to comment on that issue.

Senator Le Marquand said: ‘If Mr Power wants his statement to the inquiry published I am willing to consider it,’ and he added that the statement would have to be redacted, where necessary, like the main report.’

Article posted on 16th March, 2011 - 2.56pm