Saturday, 8 January 2011
Stuart Syvret, Jersey’s first political prisoner since the Nazis left
The Guardian is carring a long first extract from Treasure Islands today. One of the characters who appears in the article is Jerseyman Stuart Syvret, a popular but controversial Jersey politician. He’s read the Guardian article, and sent me this email this morning:
Well done re the piece in today’s Guardian. It’s so important to keep up the pressure on all of these rotten oligarchies that control these island jurisdictions around the world.
I’m increasingly confident that the several serious legal battles I’m fighting – criminal and civil – are going to have apocalyptic consequences for the Jersey oligarchy.
Since we last spoke – I’ve become Jersey’s first political prisoner since the Nazis left. Got jailed for ten weeks – for supposed “contempt of court” charges – that I was given less than 24 hours notice of – and denied an adjournment. I was locked up in the local jail overnight – but I was able to make my own bail application the next morning – and was driven to court in an armored van – handcuffed between two prison guards as though I were a terrorist. It was heard by an English judge – who was clearly decidedly unimpressed with the local crooks. So now I’m out on bail whilst I run my appeals – which I’m having to do myself, as the Jersey authorities have prevented me from having legal representation throughout the whole oppressive episode.
As I remark to the point of cliche – you just couldn’t make it up.
I wonder how many British people understand that the authorities in London are ultimately responsible for failing to ensure good governance and the proper rule of law in these islands?
Nicholas Shaxson in: Tax Havens