Friday 6 August 2010

Abuse victim to 'commit Treason' at Nelson's Column UK Rally Against Child Abuse 2010, Saturday 7th August, Trafalgar Square, London,

Internationally acclaimed, award winning filmmaker, Bill Maloney (see photo attached), whose family were all brought up and abused in the care of London Authorities, is so incensed at the Crown’s ongoing role in the cover up of institutional child abuse, that he is planning to publicly commit Treason by condemning the Monarchy at this Saturday’s UK Rally Against Child Abuse [1] in Trafalgar Square. He will also use the platform to ask the Pope a direct and deeply disturbing question.

Maloney, who is no stranger to controversy, having been thrown out of BBC Question Time for demanding answers to questions about institutional child abuse, has defended his decision saying:
“I’m not a social worker, I’m not here to satisfy egos, I’m here to stop children being abused – NOW! The police can arrest me if they want. If they do, I will invite everyone to come to the police station with me.

“The abusers are protected by the establishment. You can’t keep bashing our kids like this – I’m not going to allow it anymore. Government funded child abuse – be it physical, mental, emotional or sexual - must stop now.

“We need to give information to kids to help them protect themselves from rampant abuse by those in positions of authority. Kids need to know their rights and who to turn to when their welfare is threatened or violated. I think that the subject of paedophilia should be included in the National Curriculum”

Maloney’s recent documentary film, ‘Adam Rickwood & the Medomsley Heroes’ led to public outcry, with its revelations by victims of sadistic paedophile prison officer Neville Husband, and the campaign for truth and justice by the family of Adam Rickwood, (14), the youngest person to ‘allegedly’ commit suicide in a UK Secure Training Centre (formerly Medomsley Detention Centre).

His previous controversial documentary ‘Sun, Sea and Satan’ exposes evidence of a massive establishment cover-up of child abuse at the Haut de la Garenne children’s home on the Channel Island of Jersey.

Even though he still lives in his ex-council flat with little or no funding, Cockney-speaking Irishman Maloney, along with the support of his proud film production family, turned down a lucrative acting/directing career to use his unique skills for worthy causes.

Maloney, along with his co-filmmaker Lilly Starr create documentaries that are hard-hitting but extremely engaging. ‘Billy & Lilly’ go were angels and major broadcasters fear to tread.

Maloney’s campaign has seen him anger: David Dimbleby (On BBC Question Time); Jack Straw (whom he caught lying on tape in a London Cab); Nick Clegg (on his campaign trail) and many more leading Establishment figures who have refused to answer questions about the concealment of institutional child abuse.

Abuse victim to 'commit Treason' at Nelson's Column