Monday 26 July 2010

Another Chief Officer Departs Jersey

Acting Chief Officer resigns amongst further recrimations and accusations. A Northumbria Police Chief who left the force to take a top role in the Channel Islands has revealed he is leaving his new job.

Dave Warcup blamed “political hostility” and attacks on his honesty for the decision to stand down as Acting Chief Officer on Jersey.

Mr Warcup made headlines in 2008 when he retired as Deputy Chief Constable of Northumbria at the age of 50.

The Taxpayers’ Alliance pressure group criticised the way he received a £300,000 lump sum, as well as a £60,000-a-year pension and then took up a £100,000-a-year post in the tax haven.

But Mr Warcup moved to Jersey as a bitter row raged over the handling of an inquiry into alleged abuse at the Haut de la Garenne children’s home.

Jersey’s Chief Officer Graham Power was suspended as a £1 million inquiry was launched into the way the investigation had been carried out.

Mr Power was exonerated and has since retired but Mr Warcup also came under fire from campaigners who claim the abuse claims were not properly-investigated.

They also accused him of undermining Mr Power.

Now Mr Warcup has announced he will leave the force at the end of the year due to the campaigners delaying his appointment to the top post.

He has not yet decided what he plans to do and it has not been revealed if a financial package has been offered.

Mr Warcup said: “In April 2008, I was appointed as Deputy Chief Officer, with the express intention that I would progress to be the next Chief Officer when the serving Chief Officer retired, no later than December 2010.

“The selection process involved an assessment against the full requirement for the post of Chief Officer and was overseen by the States of Jersey Appointments Commission.

“In January 2010, a further review and formal assessment process was carried out by a review panel consisting of the Minister for Home Affairs, a representative of the Appointments Commission, the Chief Executive and the Director of Human Resources.

“As a result of the assessment, the panel made a strong recommendation, endorsing the proposal that I be appointed to the post of Chief Officer on the retirement of the existing post holder.

“It has therefore been my reasonable expectation, since April 2008, that I would succeed the Chief Officer, Mr Power, on his retirement.

“I am grateful for the support of the Minister, but I have made it clear to him that the primary reasons for leaving are due to the political hostility which has been directed towards me, the attacks on my personal integrity and the resultant delays in securing my

“In recent months there has been a concerted effort to challenge my integrity and to postpone my appointment. It is apparent that no consideration was given to the impact that such actions would have on both me and my family.

“The unfounded accusations from a small number of people concerning my conduct during the Historical Abuse Inquiry as well as accusations made relating to my role in the suspension of the Chief Officer were malicious and unfounded.

“The publication of reports following enquiries by Wiltshire Police, clearly vindicate my position in raising what were serious concerns regarding the conduct of the Historical Abuse Inquiry.

“I believe that I have acted at every stage, honestly, as well as demonstrating courage in challenging those matters which were manifestly wrong and could have potentially prejudiced trials.

“In the face of provocation and persistent attempts to undermine my authority as the Acting Chief Officer of Police, I believe that I have acted professionally, maintaining a focus on my role in ensuring that the force performed effectively, protecting the public and preventing and detecting crime.

“The results achieved by the force during the period in question amply demonstrate this.”

Jersey’s Home Affairs Minister Senator Ian Le Marquand said he was “extremely disappointed” to be losing Mr Warcup.

Mr Le Marquand added: I have found him to be a man of integrity with a deep understanding of policing in all of its aspects.

“He has demonstrated his ability to manage and motivate police officers in order to improve performance and increase the professionalism of the force.

“What has most impressed has been his selfless commitment, regardless of the personal consequences, to expose the failings that have been identified by the Metropolitan Police and Wiltshire in order that justice could be served.”
Another Chief Officer Departs Jersey