Sunday 13 September 2009

Newsnight 25th Feb 2008

We all remember the sheer venom in the mouth of Frank Walker on this newsnight. I Thought it was time to roll it out again and clock up a couple of youtubr hits.

Proliferate to liberate for knowledge is power and the internet is the way…

Newsnight interview with Jeremy Paxman where Chief Minister Frank Walker of Jersey and the person with overall responsibility for the handling of the Child Abuse Scandal that has been ongoing for decades

In an interview with Jeremy Paxman Frank Walker stands accused of lying about what he said whilst the studio mics recorded a conversation between himself and Senator Stuart Syvret, the recording suggested that Frank Walker said "You're trying to shaft Jersey internationally.". When in fact Jeremy Paxman was saying Frank Walker said "we're trying to promote the international image of Jersey. Paxman goes on to say "We're trying to show off Jersey internationally is what you said.

I think that what he actually did was accuse none other than the father of the house of "trying to shaft Jersey internationally." which in my book is worse than the other two incorrect statements by Paxman.